
Why be a member?

Solve the mysteries of your family’s history with the help of California Genealogical Society. Membership includes access to Northern California’s premier genealogy society library with local and national resources to help you track down your elusive ancestors. Located just three blocks from the 19th Street BART station in vibrant Uptown Oakland, the library has free access to paid online subscription sites and research databases, and more than 30,000 books, manuscripts, microfilms, and maps to help you climb your family tree. Exclusive classes, such as "Intro to Genealogy" and "Writing Your Family History," taught by our volunteers, offer guidance to researchers of all experience levels.

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Want to learn more about California Genealogical Society? Check us out here:

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Join a passionate community that will help you make connections that your family will treasure for years to come!

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Contact us

Address: 2201 Broadway Suite LL2 | Oakland CA 94606

Phone: (510) 663-1358

Email: membership@californiaancestors.org

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The mission of California Genealogical Society is to help people trace and compile their family histories. To accomplish this, the Society maintains a library, gathers and preserves vital records, disseminates information through its publications and internet access, and teaches genealogical research methods through meetings, seminars and workshops.

Copyright 2014

"California Genealogical Society" is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 2201 Broadway Suite LL2, Oakland CA 94606

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